Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blue Eyed Man

The days are getting long enough for after work/school exploring again so I took the younger boys out to look for a Barrier Canyon style pictograph we had heard about over the winter called the "Blue Eyed Man". After walking through a sea of tumbleweeds (called spikeys by the boys) and scaling a semi exposed slickrock ramp we found him. It is a pretty interesting panel. The main figures mouth is open in a rather eerie way and he actually does have blue eyes and some sort of blue tounge as well. There is also a snake figure that has some blue elements. I have seen a lot of green on pictographs down on Cedar Mesa, but never blue.


wild murdocks said...

I missed out on seeing the blue-eyed man this time, but River and I did get the science project completed! We'll get up to it someday soon.

But, I'm wondering if the eyes were originally green since yellow and blue make green, and the yellow pigment has faded?

your artsy wife

me said...

Everyone knows that blue eyes means it's ALIEN!!!!

tiffy girl said...

can you tell us where the blue eyed man is located? or is it a ssssecreet???

wild bri said...

It is in a canyon by a juniper tree.