Friday, March 28, 2008

Hunting the Allosaurus

River, Rowan and I set out today to find a place called the "Mega Track" site. It is a slickrock valley north of Arches NP that has over 2,000 dinosaur tracks in it. After wandering around semi-lost (you're never really lost around Moab as long as you can see the La Sals) we finally stumbled in to the land of the lost.

We also found this strange striped layer of rock along a ridge on our hike back out, the boys called it "Tiger Ridge"


thetaylors said...

I'm glad you found it. We went out there several years ago and thought it was amazing.

McKell said...

WOW! That is so crazy. It is weird to see the actual evidence of their existence, sometime I feel like they are made up.