Monday, August 11, 2008

Monsoons and Oowah

Monsoon season is in full swing on the Plateau. We had significant rains over the last week but none of them really hit town. All around lightning and rain were falling but Moab itself seemed to miss most of it. Arches got hit really hard on Monday so we went up after work and watched Courthouse Wash flood and hiked around the Windows with the Europeans. We did.nt know that Wall Arch had fallen until the next day.
Friday we went up tp Oowah Lake. I still am not sure how it got its name. River started catching fish before I even had my pole together.


Greg and Leigh said...

Is that a spinin outfit?
Beautiful shots.

Newty said...

How many fish did river catch before you broke your pole? Come on we all know you can't go fishing without breaking something.

Newty said...

Just so we're clear McCandless was a Cheechako! but when was the last time you set out to live off the land for months at a time? And Eddie Vedder bought all the songs on the album from me I wrote them all! Let's kill an elk with muzzleloaders to prove our manhood.