Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Sometimes the landscapes of the Colorado Plateau are so stunning that I literally have to turn away and then look back after I gather myself. Everett Ruess explained it best when he said that the Plateau county had "such utter and overpowering beauty as nearly kills a sensitive person by its piercing glory"

Yesterday I felt the piercing glory watching the sun set on Arch, Butts and Texas Canyon from Butts Point. Photo is from Butts Point looking down Arch Canyon. Comb Ridge is in the background fading into the Navajo Country.


mena said...

How very well put Brian. Very nice post.

J. Melody said...

Wow, that's amazing! I can't believe you get to see that kind of beauty all the time and get paid for it. Thanks for sharing.

miranda said...

That is beautiful. Your pictures are so pretty and are hard to believe they real photos sometimes! I'm still laughing at your earlier post about scaring the kids with a Spanish clown! You would have loved him.

McKell said...

Is your new picture up top, the same place but different season as your old picture? Regardless it is beautiful. I feel like it has been a while since we have to Moyab, a trip is definitely in order.

wild murdocks said...

butts point....tee-hee!