Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Holy Wasatch

I wish I could say the incredible turns displayed above were mine, but they are not. Todd sent me this photo of his ski tracks from last week in an undisclosed location, and since he never posts anything on the blog I thought I would do it for him. These lines are just too good to not show to the world. It is like scripture in the snow showing mankind how to attain eternal happiness, just looking at them makes me feel good. Thanks Todd for sharing. (and now Alina will mock me for all of my spiritual references)


Newty said...

GLORIA HALLELUH!!!!! Beautiful work Toady. Happiness does indeed reside in "The Cleanest Line"

me said...

The one on the far left is so nice. I don't see any tracks up except on the very far left which leads off more to the left so it looks like they paid good money for those turns.

wild murdocks said...

I hope you and your turns will be happy together in eternity.

mena said...

I am with Alina. MOCK...MOCK...MOCKING you:0
Politics and religion two of my favorite things that you blog about.....really I love the picture!!
I am just about ready for a river trip with the family. Let us know.