Monday, May 4, 2009


I still can't believe that Ruess's body has been found on Comb Ridge.

Radio West did an interesting show on the discovery of his body and on his life today.

After reading his journals and other books written about him it seems like he was very comfortable being who he was and that he had a pretty good idea on what he wanted from this life. I hope I feel the same way when I leave.

"Music has been in my heart all the time, and poetry in my thoughts. Alone on the open desert, I have made up songs of wild, poignant rejoicing and transcendent melancholy. The world has seemed more beautiful to me than ever before. I have loved the red rocks, the twisted trees, the red sand blowing in the wind, the slow, sunny clouds crossing the sky, the shafts of moonlight on my bed at night. I have seemed to be at one with the world. I have rejoiced to set out, to be going somewhere, and I have felt a still sublimity, looking deep into the coals of my campfires, and seeing far beyond them. I have been happy in my work, and I have exulted in my play. I have really lived."


Newty said...

I read that quote at the end of every Grand Canyon Trip. I'm sad they found him, and it's not just that the mystic is gone but that I don't think he ever wanted to be found.

creed said...

Yes but I don't think a skull crushing blow to the back of the head was his idea of "never being found"

Glenn said...

My only previous exposure to Ruess was in Krakauer's book on McCandless. I'm just now digging into A Vagabond For Beauty. Thanks for the quote!