Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spring Fishing

We just opened the road to Oowah a week or so ago so we drove up there yesterday to see if any fish were hungry after their long winter under the ice. River caught one on his first cast and I did not even get my rod together because I was undoing tangles and snags and unhooking fish the whole time. Oowah attracts an interesting crowd on the weekends. I was the only guy up there wearing a shirt, pretty classy.

North face of Mellenthin

Rowan waiting for a fish to bite with his batman pole.

The reason I did not get my rod out of it's case, four kids in a canoe with fishing poles.


Newty said...

Here is a caption for the photo of the canoe
"This can't fail"

mena said...

aren't little boys rad? oh, and the dad that takes them fishing is also.