Friday, June 27, 2008

Switching from Saddles to Full Suspension

Many of our trails in the La Sals are used primarliy as downhill mountain bike trails. Bikers get a ride to the top of the mountain and then bomb downhill all the way to town. The sport is becoming more and more like lift served skiing. Some of the bikes that people are using now days are almost too heavy to pedal uphill.

Max and myself rode the Moonlight Meadows trail on Thursday to cut logs out of the trail and see what kind of trail work was needed. The trailhead is high in the alpine near Geyser Pass above 10,000 feet. It is beautiful up there right now, fields of flowers and all the streams are running over their banks with snow melt.

I found out how unskilled I am as a downhill mountain biker by going over the handlebars twice. Once was a full out superman dive down hill. As I was hurdling head first down the mountain I was thinking to myself all of the different broken bone possibilities that could occur when gravity finally pulled me back to terra firma. Somehow I landed in soft dirt and flowers and ended up with nothing more that grass stains and a jammed finger.

Moonlight Meadows and Mount Mellenthin

Creek Crossing


Grandma Nancy said...

I think I remember a letter from you while you were in Brasil stating you would never be a sprocket head.
What gives?????

wild bri said...

I am not sprocket head, but I do enjoy the occasional mountain bike ride. I would still rather be on foot or horseback.