Friday, May 15, 2009

Elk Ridge

I was back down on Elk Ridge on Wednesday, scouting out another trail for maintenence and checking on a youth crew we had down there working on the Brushy Knoll trail. I usually try to spend the night when I do any work in the area because it is so far out, but I made it into a long day trip this time.

Elk shed on Elk Ridge

Confluence of Woodenshoe and Cherry Canyon

More bear tracks on Elk Ridge


Newty said...

You have such a great job Bri.

Ruahines said...

Kia ora wild bri,
How amazing and vast. It would be hard to NOT want to spend the night.

jason said...

I must have missed that shed when I set up my grid pattern on my ATV. Of course those little raghorns dont do much for me.