Thursday, October 9, 2008

No respect for Kokopelli

One more bit of news today coming from our neck of the woods, the banishment of Kokopelli and his parts to the back of the Edge of the Cedars Museum. It seems that the image of the flute player (and his part) which has greeted visitors to the museum for almost twenty years has been banished by the "Blanding Values Committee". You can see the whole story here.
I am so glad that we have organizations like the Values Commitee to keep us safe from Kokopelli porn. Whose values are they protecting? And technically the staute is not of Kokopelli but of a Hopi clan symbol.


mena said...

Brian, are you sure it hasn't been there for "thirty years"? What a happy little fella. The world is getting WAY TOO serious!!! The "values commitee" needs to laugh a little more for goodness sake.

miranda said...

I read about that in the Provo Paper, too funny!

Julie Castellon said...

Wow... Too bad I'm not living at home so I can be on the "values committee." This was my favorite line in the story.

"Give me a break. It's not like a massive erection like some of the ones you see on the panels. It's nothing like that," Dexter told the Tribune.

You know the rebels that come from Bluff. ;) Not quite as wild as the Moabites, but close.