Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Kachina Natural Bridge
White Canyon had been flowing from the rains the night before. I had forgotten that there is a relatively famous petroglyph panel at the base of this natural bridge. The panel has what appears to be a smiling brontosaurus, just like the kind Fred Flintstone rides at work. Young Earth Creationists (people who belive the Earth is 5,000 years old) site this petroglyph as proof that dinosouars and men lived together thus proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Earth cannot be older than 5,000 years old. Makes sense, there really is not other explanation. The cottonwoods and the bridge were sublime, if I were an Anasazi I would live right underneath it and raise my family and some of them did.

Getting down into White canyon on the ladders. Notice the little pocket of Douglas Firs tucked away into the nice shady north facing alcove.

I also did not know that the "Lightning House" ruin (my name) was in upper White Canyon. We unexpectedly ran into it near Kachina Bridge. I had seen lots of photos of it before but did not know of it's location. It is actually called "Conical Ruin" because of it's unusual construction, but the water marks in the back remind me of lightning striking the house.

1 comment:

mena said...

Beautiful place that you live in. I'm glad that your boys are able to see all that wonderful place. Your a really good dad!!!!
Thanks for the advice about not letting Regan play with matches, I thought he was old enough by now but apparently NOT!!