Monday, September 22, 2008


Back when we lived in northern Nevada and I had to drive 3 hours just to get to the area we managed the only thing I could pick up on the radio was conservative talk shows, all my favorites; Rush, Hannity and a local guy named Rusty. I used to get so upset listening to the shows that I actually considered calling in a couple of times on my government satellite phone, until I realized that would probably not be an efficient use of tax payer money. So I would just drive down the dirt roads in the Black Rock desert swearing and talking to myself.

Now that I actually have a little choice in radio stations (KZMU, NPR, or some awful pop country station) I miss hearing old Sean Hannity and his unbiased opinions, so today I went to his web site and found a real treasure "Hannidate" a dating service for conservatives to come together to meet. I know back when I was dating I would often go on dates and then find out they had different ideas and opinions then mine, man was that embarassing. If only they had "Hannidate" back then I could have screened out all those liberal weirdos.

Which reminds me of another topic I heard about recently. The relatively new phenomenom of people choosing their real estate based on politics. There are actually developments marketing themselves now as "liberal" or "conservative" so you can make sure you never have to speak to somebody with a different viewpoint. Come on people just talk to each other you might actually enjoy it.


Newty said...

Bri, First off nice work with the blog, I check it everymorning, it is my "secondlife" Secondly, I hold the World record for the most consecutive uses of the F word and it happened listening to Hannity. He is some kind of conservative cyborg unable to process information only capable of spewing rhetoric. If I ever meet him in person I will "kiss him upside the crainium with an aluminum baseball bat" and last but far from least. I live in one of the largest conservative communities in the nation, a place where if you are not like everyone else and if you don't plan to vote Mcpain you must be an abortion loving commie. It's a lovely community called Utah County, where there's always room for more of the same. ok I gotta go put some lipstick on my dog and take her for a walk. good Daaay.

me said...

It is a good thing Paul has a dog now! Just don't use Tiff's good lipstick. Speaking of dog's I am going to vote for the person that makes it a crime if another persons animal shit's on your yard. At least I still have the use of my guns if needed, go Palin!

troutbirder said...

Enjoyed you blog and views. I will be back when I have a little more time.

renostar said...

I started observing in high schools this past week and yesterday was a humdinger. A hybrid of Sean Hannity and "Super Dell's" spawn was in a US Government class and he insisted that Obama is a Muslim, he was sworn into his senate seat using the Koran, and that the world would literally implode if a muslim was voted President.

I had the hardest time sitting silently in the back of the room as the teacher tried to calm him down, then eventually ignored him for the remainder of class.

I cried and swore a lot inside.

P.S. Love the blog.