Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sunrise on the Sierra La Sal

In an attempt to remain unpolitical (is that a word?)on my blog today I am posting one of my favorite photos I have ever seen of the La Sals. I think it was taken by Tom Till?

The sun is just rising over Colorado and highlighting the high central peaks and the shadows are stretching out into Canyonlands.(Just remember all of this will be sold to the corporations and drilled for oil if you elect the Republicans in November.)


Greg and Leigh said...

Very "Unpolitical" . Fantastic picture Bri.
Anyone up for an October Deso?

TyandBre said...

Bri, you sound just like Tyler when we go out with friends and I tell him to avoid talking about politics... somehow he manages to slide some "liberal" comment in that makes everyone crazy. I find it quite entertaining, except when it involves my mother. :)

McKell said...

DRILL IT! DRILL IT! I once heard it said that we can drill our way out of the energy crisis we are in. If destroying that mountain range will take 5 bucks off of filling up the Caddy, I'm in!

troutbirder said...

Enjoyed the great pictures (and also the political commentary).